Term Dates

Use the links below to download a copy of the Kingsway Term Dates:

Please note that these dates relate to local schools and will differ from those on the Leicestershire County Council website.

School Hours

The school gates are opened at 8.50am every morning. The class registers are taken by 9:05 am.  Please report to the school office if you arrive after this point.

Main Gates Open: 8:30am

Foundation Stage Gates: 8:45-8:50

School commences: 8.55am

Foundation Stage lunch: 11:45 – 1pm

Lunch (KS1) 12.00 to 1.00pm

Lunch (KS2): 12.10 to 1.10pm

Foundation Stage School finishes: 3.10pm

School finishes: 3.20pm

Office Hours: 8:30-3:30pm


Late Arrivals Procedure

The procedure for recording late arrivals at Kingsway Primary School

All late arrivals are monitored by the attendance improvement officer and parents will be

contacted when a child has 4 or more late marks in each half-term

8.50am to 9.00am
● The school gates open at 8.50am, children go straight into school and registration takes
place in class
● Any child arriving during this time should be given a present mark (/) by the teacher
9.00am to 9.15am
● Any child arriving after this time should register through the office
● The office will record a late mark (L)
After 9.15am
● The Office will record as a U mark (Late after registers close)
● If the child has attended a medical appointment and arrives before 12.00pm – present (/)
or L code can be recorded
● If the child has attended a medical appointment and arrives after 12pm – M code would
be recorded. U codes show that the child is on site but does not count as a present mark and means that the child will have an unauthorised absence and can count towards prosecutions.